Wood carvings from Bali Indonesia. Handcarved wooden animals. Direct from craftsmen and women in Bali Indonesia. Made of parasite wood. Unique and rare, one of a kind. Totally handmade. Wholesale price and factory direct. Bulk quantity pricing.
These are handmade using very simple tools. Handcarved using parasite wood. Available in abundance. No need to cut any tree. These wood are parasitic, easily removeable from the host tree without harm. We employ Balinese village men and women during the production. Thank you for your support.
Below you will find our list of parasite wood carvings from Bali Indonesia
- Whale wood carvings
- Dolphin wood carvings
- Turtle wood carvings
- Fish wood carvings
- Owl wood carvings
- Eagle head wood carvings
- Rabbit wood carvings
- Horse head wood carvings
- Snake wood carvings
- Colibri bird wood carvings
- Animal wood carvings
- Reptile wood carvings
- Balinese wood carvings
If you are interested in buying our wood carvings in bulk quantity, please contact us. Our email address available on each photo. You are also welcome to visit our Facebook Page CV Maya Bali
The best way and also fastest way to reach us is using WhatsApp. See photo for our whatsapp number.
To view more wood carvings from Bali Indonesia, please visit our web site
Whale wood carvings from Bali
Dolphin Wood carvings from Bali
Turtle Wood Carvings from Bali Indonesia
Shark Wood Carvings
Seal Wood Carvings from Bali Indonesia
Owl wood carvings from Bali
Eagle head wood carvings